We're happy to inform you that your work Deconstructions is accepted to /'fu:bar/ 2016 on-screen selection!
/'fu:bar/ 2016 is opening Sept 19th with "Xenomorphia & Wearing Masks: (Extra)terrestrial Calls Across The Glitch Universe" - a collab installation piece by Schwestern Sisters (Cro) and Peter Christenson (US).
[http://fubar.space/2016/en/Xe nomorphia]
The exhibition in Siva Galerija will be open from Mon 19th to Friday 23rd 2016, accompanied by various daily workshops and open talks held by international and local authors, and wrapped up by Sknail Zagreb glitch jazz session.
[http://fubar.space/2016/en/Sk nail_Zagreb_Session]
You can check out the whole program in more detail here: http://fubar.space/2016/englis h
Be sure to check our social channels for pics, vids, etc, regarding /'fu:bar 2016 (Sept 19th - Sept 24th), and even join the exhibition live if you have the opportunity.

We are also planning an all year round open call for workshops and talks after /'fu:bar/ 2016 closes. Keep your eyes open and follow us on Tumblr and Facebook!
The exhibition in Siva Galerija will be open from Mon 19th to Friday 23rd 2016, accompanied by various daily workshops and open talks held by international and local authors, and wrapped up by Sknail Zagreb glitch jazz session.
You can check out the whole program in more detail here: http://fubar.space/2016/englis
Be sure to check our social channels for pics, vids, etc, regarding /'fu:bar 2016 (Sept 19th - Sept 24th), and even join the exhibition live if you have the opportunity.
We are also planning an all year round open call for workshops and talks after /'fu:bar/ 2016 closes. Keep your eyes open and follow us on Tumblr and Facebook!
Fb page: https://www.facebook.com/fubar expo/
Fb event: https://www.facebook.com/event s/282549042125221
Fb event: https://www.facebook.com/event
Tumblr: http://fubar.space
Congratulations again and we hope to work together again in the future!
Dina and Vedran
/'fu:bar/ team
/'fu:bar/ team
Algunas fotos de la exhibición: