
lunes, 15 de febrero de 2016

Videoarte de Andres Cuartas en Video Latino, Indie Gallery, Israel

El video arte-glitch Equilibrium del artista Andres Cuartas, ha sido seleccionado para la exposición VIDEO LATINO en la Indie Pothography Group Galery en Tel Aviv Israel. 

Curaduría realizada por Liliana Orbach.

Fecha: 25/02/2016

Video Latino

Curator and editor - Liliana Orbach

Video Latino is the title of a program that exposes a variety of works by video artists who were born in Latin countries, some of which create in their country of origin; some of which create somewhere else within the globe. 

The participant artists' creations deal with themes, which include social and personal aspects such as localism, migration, gender, inner dilemmas, power struggles.

The video compilation has been created for Indie Gallery, Tel Aviv, and will be screened from February 

25th to February 27th, 2016.